



Substance abuse psychotherapy provides the foundation to achieve self-empowerment over your substance abuse problem. In order to do so it is necessary to learn how to solve the problems, stress, and conflicts that led to your substance abuse problem, as well as problems caused by engaging in substance abuse.  Substance abuse therapy is for people who desire to remain abstinent from substance abuse and achieve a status of being fully recovered.

Successful substance abuse psychotherapy focuses on the following:

·     eliminating negative and self-defeating

          thoughts that threaten your recovery

·     promoting motivation to achieve successful


·     learning to manage cravings

·     learning how to manage emotions

         thoughts, and behaviors using

         mindfulness strategies

·     creating a healthy balance between

         work, family, and personal enjoyment

·     encouragement to incorporate moderate

         daily exercise into your daily routine to

         reduce stress and facilitate a positive


Many studies have shown that substance abuse  psychotherapy can improve the quality of life for people experiencing chronic substance abuse problems.  This type of therapy is known to:

·     reduce emotional distress caused by substance


·     address co-occurring depression and/or anxiety

·     improve mood and self-image

·     increase resilience to psycho-social pressures

·     develop control over your substance abuse problem

Substance abuse psychotherapy has a secular non-disease orientation and is an alternative to traditional 12-Step programs.  People learn to take responsibility for themselves and their actions rather than to place blame on others.  Sobriety, problem solving, mindfulness management of thoughts and feelings are achieved in a safe, confidential setting.